Friday, June 26, 2009

Is It Covered?????

Ron and Dee had each worked for a large company for 10 years conducting and organizing events. Late last year, each lost their job due to a company downsizing.
The prospects for finding new jobs were unfavorable and bills had to be paid and lives lead. So Ron and Dee decided to begin their own company and offer event planning and organizing services to clients.
With some savings and borrowed cash from family members, they launched their business. They built a website and several blogs. They worked hard to update the content, to keep it fresh and current. They published articles, participated on webinars and used every communication channel they could find to spread the word about their new company.
Slowly and steadily, interest grew and orders for their service developed.
On their website, they established a link to allow payment by credit card. Ron and Dee were relieved that the credit card vendor took in all the information and processed the payments. Each month, they began to receive their remittance.
Several months later, Ron and Dee received a certified letter containing a notice of suit. The suit claimed that the plaintiffs were the victims of identity theft, having their credit card information stolen while using Ron and Dee's website. The suit stated that as a result of Ron and Dee's negligence, their clients were seeking unspecified damages as compensation.
Rona and Dee are in a panic!!! They ask each other, "Do we have insurance for this?" "Will the insurance cover our legal costs?"
To find out the answer, visit:

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